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Give in celebration of a loved one, a person you admire, or someone fighting cancer.
You can also give in memory of someone special.
Donate a Car
through Charity Auto Donation
Charitible Giving Program

Check with your employer to see if your company supports their employees in their personal philanthropic giving by providing a matching gift. This is a great way for businesses and individuals to help kids and families together. The impact of your gift may be increased, possibly doubled, or even tripled!
Planned Giving

Help secure the future of TBCF for generations to come. These gifts offer tax benefits while providing the opportunity to support our programs, or establish or add to an endowment. For information about planned giving and bequests, please contact our office.
*AKA Qualified Charitible Distribution
Gifts of Securities
A gift of stock or other securities can make a significant impact in our ability to support families and you may be eligible to receive excellent tax benefits.
a Benefit
Many businesses, both large and small, as well as individuals, choose to name TBCF as a designated benefiting charity. Consider selecting TBCF as your designated charity to support by organizing an event and designating proceeds or donating a percentage of sales. For more information please email Danielle Maxwell, Community Outreach Manager.

Every Donation
Funds our mission to provide local
families with Financial, Emotional
and Educational support
Any questions? Please email Kirsten Stuart
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