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Download / Upload Applications

If a child’s cancer returns, and a family has already received Direct Financial Assistance Fund (DFA), they can request an additional $2,500 of financial support through our Relapse Fund. Please Note: Our Relapse Fund is a one-time offering.

 If relapse occurs within a year of their original approval date for DFA Funding:

You only need to submit a program request form (link below) along with a social worker request letter.

If relapse occurs after a year of their original approval date for DFA Funding:

A full Relapse Fund application will need to be completed and submit along with a social worker request letter and application supplemental documents

If the family has never applied for our Direct Financial Assistance Fund (DFA):

If a family experiences a relapse and has never applied for DFA, please have them apply for our DFA Funding rather than Relapse Fund for the opportunity to receive the most possible funding. Families can receive up to $5,000 in Direct Financial Assistance,

and $2,500 in our Relapse Fund. 

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